Let’s face it. Most of us don’t know a single thing about water heaters other than they heat the water for our homes. The water heater is something no one thinks about until it suddenly stops working. Then it’s a big deal that can create some panic in a household. When this happens, it is…
My Water Heater Is Leaking: What Should I Do?
So you’ve found a little puddle near your water heater. Uh oh. Is it leaking? Does it need to be replaced? Don’t panic. There are several factors that could be contributing to your new in-home water feature. Some are not even related to your heater! Others are very simple fixes that you can do on…
Why Should I Drain My Water Heater? A How To Guide
Most people don’t think about their water heater until their shower runs cold. Did you know that your water heater needs annual maintenance that can be performed by you? Experts recommend that homeowners drain their water heater once every year. Why? To prevent even bigger issues than a chilly shower or two. Learn more. Is…
4 Frustrating and Expensive Problems Caused by Hard Water
Is hard water “bad?” Not inherently. But can it cause a lot of problems for you and your home? Absolutely. Hard water is water that has a high mineral content, such as calcium or magnesium. The minerals get into the water as it filters through soil and stone in the ground. These minerals are not…
Home Emergencies: 4 Reasons Why You Need a 24/7 On-Call HVAC Professional
Unless you are one of those people who has a strong sense of emergency-preparedness, you probably don’t think about the worst case scenario until it is staring you right in the face. This is a pretty common approach to homeownership and a big reason why we offer on-call emergency HVAC services, 24/7. Especially in the…
6 Reasons to Make the Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
Tankless water heaters are “in,” with many claiming that they are the most efficient water heaters on the market. But that efficiency does not come cheap–They are two times the cost of traditional water heaters, speaking generally. Installation is also expensive. Tankless water heaters require special circuitry or piping and venting depending on the model.…
5 Furnace Warning Signs
The termination dust is creeping down the mountains and winter is right around the corner. Do you know if your furnace is going to make it through the cold Alaskan winter months? Here are some warning signs you need to watch out for and get taken care of to stay snug and warm until spring.…
Pros and Cons of a Water Softener
To truly understand the pros and cons of water softeners, you much first understand the pros and cons of hard and soft water. Once those differences are established, you’ll have to decide which is right for you. What is Hard Water? Hard water is untouched and as close to drinking rainwater as you can get.…
Water Softener Basics in Anchorage
For many Anchorage residents, well water is just a regular part of life. While there are many benefits to using well water, one of the downsides is hard water. As water travels through the ground, it picks up trace minerals as it goes. Here in Anchorage, our water contains more calcium and magnesium, which makes…
What are the Benefits of a Zone Control System for Your Anchorage Home?
Anchorage is facing what is expected to be one of the worst snow storms of the 2016-2017 season. But don’t forget that our coldest months are yet to come. If you are noticing some rooms in your home are much colder than others as you move through your house, you may not have a zone…
7 Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter in Anchorage, Alaska
The temperature keeps dropping in Anchorage and the lack of snow so far this year is significantly increasing many people’s risk of frozen pipes. Frozen pipes lead to burst pipes, which often result in flooding and water damage. When water damage isn’t treated, it can result in harmful mold problems. So prevention is your best solution…
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality this Winter
There may not be much snow in Anchorage, but the cold temperatures and icy roads prove winter has arrived in Alaska. This time of year we keep our doors and windows shut tight and rely on our furnaces to keep us warm from the bitter cold outside. This can quickly create some indoor air quality…