
The Pros and Cons of a Ductless Cooling System

Are you asking yourself if a ductless cooling system is best for your house this summer? You may think all air conditioning units are the same and perform the same job, but a ductless mini-split air conditioner is entirely different than a traditional unit. In this blog we are going to touch on what exactly…

What to Ask When Scheduling an HVAC Service Call in Alaska

Get your DUCTS in a row! Spring is here and that means it’s time to think about scheduling an HVAC service before you power your system down for the summer. This is everything you should ask when choosing a technician to service your furnace or boiler in Anchorage. Looking to schedule your annual maintenance? Get…

Essential HVAC Maintenance for This Spring

Alaskans refer to “spring” as the “break-up season,” where the snow begins to melt and we finally feel a sense of hope for the warmth ahead! Soon, you’ll be able to power down your HVAC system for the first time in months. However, just because heating isn’t top-of-mind come spring, doesn’t mean you can forget…

Things to Think About While Upgrading Your Fireplace

There’s nothing quite like the flickering light of a fireplace to bring warmth and coziness into your home during the winter. While there are plenty of DIY suggestions out there to help give an outdated fireplace a facelift, sometimes you need Moore! Is your existing fireplace drafty? Or has it become too cumbersome to deal…

6 Things to Look for in Choosing a HVAC Contractor

When the sub-zero temperatures invade Alaska, we all look forward to putting our feet up and relaxing in our warm, cozy homes. But what if your furnace is heading toward the great white light? How do you know when it’s time to replace a furnace, or whether you should continue paying for maintenance and repairs?…

Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air? We Answer Your FAQs

This winter, Alaskans are spending more time indoors than ever before. It’s not just because the temperatures are plunging below freezing and the snow is dumping; hunker down orders mean we all need to stay indoors to do our bit to protect our families and our community. It’s all fine, until your furnace starts blowing…

Ever Wonder How a Home Heating System Really Works?

Do you ever wonder what makes your home heating system tick? We rely on our furnaces to keep us warm through the winter – it takes a lot to keep Alaska outside! Just like your car functions with different moving parts, so does your home heating system, so it’s important to know how to troubleshoot.…

Which Furnace Filter Is Best to Protect Your Family?

Winter is coming, and that means you’ll be spending a lot more time indoors. For that reason, it’s one of the most important times of year to change out your furnace’s air filter. What Are the Risks if You Don’t Change Your Furnace Filter? Furnace air filters are a critical, but often overlooked, part of…

How Air Ducts Are Cleaned and Why You Shouldn’t DIY

Alaskan air ducts can perform at their best for up to 10 years, with a maximum lifespan of 25 years, if they have proper care. To help keep your air ducts operating at their best, they’ll need maintenance including inspections and cleaning. But that doesn’t mean they need yearly cleanings. (Contrary to popular belief, your…

Making Solar-Powered HVAC Work in Alaska

Solar power is increasing in popularity in Alaska. Yes, winters are dark, but the unlimited summer sun means it can be a great option when the time comes to switch on your air conditioning. Constant sunlight, coupled with short nights that don’t allow the air to cool as it would further south, and your home…

Quick Fixes When Your Air Conditioning Stops Cooling

There’s nothing worse than having an air conditioning unit sputter and die on a hot summer afternoon. There are many issues that can arise with an air conditioning unit which may cause it to stop working. Some of these will require professional repair, while some can be checked and fixed yourself, which can save time…

Go Green With a New A/C Unit This Summer

One thing Alaska has no shortage of in summer is sunshine. It’s perfect for long days on the water, backcountry hiking, and getting to all the chores on your household to-do list. But did you know it can actually help cut costs on your summer air conditioning bill? Alaska is unique, compared to other American…