4 Frustrating and Expensive Problems Caused by Hard Water

4 Frustrating and Expensive Problems Caused by Hard Water

Is hard water “bad?” Not inherently. But can it cause a lot of problems for you and your home? Absolutely.

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content, such as calcium or magnesium. The minerals get into the water as it filters through soil and stone in the ground. These minerals are not bad for you, in fact, some are vital nutrients! That said, they can cause issues for hair, skin, nails, and household appliances. Some hard water can even be a conduit for bacteria that is bad for you if ingested! Most homes that use wells have hard water issues. Read on to learn more about the common problems caused by hard water.

Note: Hard water problems are symptoms of poor water conditioning! If you live in Alaska and you think you may have issues with hard water, learn more about the water conditioning solutions we offer at Moore Heating & Air Conditioning.

1. Stains & Spots

The minerals in hard water react with soaps and detergents, making them less effective and leaving stains and spots in their wake. If you have hard water, you may notice brown or orange stains developing on the porcelain in your sink, shower, and toilet. You may also notice significant amounts of lime deposits left over in your shower and on the curtain. In the kitchen, you may have streaks on your glasses leftover from the dishwasher. In the laundry room, your clothes may be getting less clean and becoming faded, dingy, and yellowed. They may also be stiff, scratchy, and rough.

2. It Just Tastes (or Smells) Bad

If your water tastes metallic, smells like rotten eggs, or tastes like dirt, you probably have hard water. These tastes and smells indicate certain minerals, bacteria, or mold in the water.

3. Clogged Waterworks

Water with a high mineral content leaves mineral deposits behind that can clog appliances, water pipes, heating systems, showerheads, and anything else that runs water in the house. These deposits build up, constricting flow, decreasing water pressure, creating inefficiencies, and they can even cause blockage! The deposits cause your household systems to work harder while simultaneously accomplishing less. Hard water becomes particularly expensive when mineral deposits cause plumbing or appliances to wear out quickly and even shut down!

4. Dry Hair & Skin

As we mentioned previously, the minerals in hard water react with soaps and detergents. The soap that you use to wash your hair and skin in the shower is no exception! Hard water can make it hard for you to get clean and leave a film on the hair and skin that dries it out, making it the hair dull and the skin itchy.

If you have some of these problems and you think hard water may be to blame, talk to a professional about whether or not a water softener or filter would be right for you. Water softeners remove the minerals in hard water, making everything from your hair to your dishes to your appliances, cleaner.