Spring cleaning should include HVAC maintenance.

Essential HVAC Maintenance for This Spring

Alaskans refer to “spring” as the “break-up season,” where the snow begins to melt and we finally feel a sense of hope for the warmth ahead!

Soon, you’ll be able to power down your HVAC system for the first time in months. However, just because heating isn’t top-of-mind come spring, doesn’t mean you can forget all about it. Here are some critical maintenance items to accomplish while you’re getting busy with spring cleaning.

Ready to schedule your annual maintenance? Call us today.

21-Point HVAC Inspection

HVAC inspections are a highly important item on the home maintenance list. With Moore Heating, this process can be quick, informative and efficient – but there are quite a few steps to cover to ensure your HVAC will continue functioning at its best.

Our 21-Point Checklist shows exactly what our experienced technicians will work through during your home heating tune-up, so that you know exactly what to expect. From looking for leaks and confirming pressure to verifying operations and cleaning parts, each and every step is integral in the health of your HVAC and should be completed annually at minimum.

Air Duct Cleaning

Cleaning your air ducts is an often overlooked, but highly important spring-cleaning chore. It can have a huge impact on your health as well as your household members by creating a cleaner living environment, reducing allergens and irritants, removing unpleasant odors, improving air flow efficiency and more. Is your system due for a detox?

Furnace & Boiler Maintenance

Why are furnace and boiler maintenance and repairs important in the off-season? We like to think of our HVAC systems as the heart of our home, ticking along in the background. Just because you don’t always think about it, doesn’t mean it isn’t always working!

It’s important to care for your home’s health just like you do your own. Keeping up with maintenance and repairs can actually extend your HVAC’s lifespan and help you avoid being left out in the cold (literally) when it matters most. Neglecting to keep up with annual maintenance, however, usually results in inconvenient and unexpected HVAC emergencies and energy bills through the roof. It pays to maintain your home’s health.

Furnace & Boiler Replacements

Sometimes, it can be a better idea to upgrade your furnace or boiler than to deal with an expensive repair and risk another HVAC emergency with your worn-down appliance. A good rule of thumb for your HVAC systems is if the cost to repair is 50% of the cost of a new appliance, it’s best to just replace it. For older furnaces especially, you should be less resistant to replacing as it will become less reliable and efficient over time.

If you’ve found yourself fitting into the replacement category versus maintenance or repair, you should actually count yourself lucky! Everyone’s HVAC needs a refresh at some point, and spring and summer are actually the BEST times of year to upgrade to a higher efficiency, quieter HVAC system. Not only is it cheaper to buy this time of year, but you’ll have more options and you’ll be fully equipped for any unexpected weather. (We all know Alaska can be notorious for that).

Choosing a Trusted Contractor

Determining whether your furnace or boiler needs a simple tune-up or a full refresh can be difficult. Without the expert knowledge and skill, you don’t want to make a decision that could poorly affect your HVAC system’s health.

A quality contractor can make your HVAC maintenance process easier than ever this spring. But how do you know what to look for in a contractor or who you can you trust?

Moore Heating and Air Conditioning has been providing Alaskans with reliable home heating solutions for over 30 years. We’re passionate about delivering quality, comfort, peace of mind, and honest service to the Anchorage community.

Need to talk to a trusted expert? We’ve got your back.