Thinking about changing your thermostat from a manual to a programmable model? Wise choice! From time and money savings to environmental impact, the programmable thermostat is the best option for the modern homeowner.
Spend Less Time Adjusting Temperature
Programmable thermostats can be scheduled in advance to run specific temperatures during different seasons, holidays, and times of the day or week. Many models come pre-set with recommended settings–such as ten degrees lower during nights and workdays–, but they can be adjusted according to your unique schedule. Once you have your thermostat programmed to fit your lifestyle, you are good to go! No more adjusting. However, if you need to make a change your thermostat, you can always manually override the system for a day or reset the schedule for a longer period of time. Manual thermostats, on the other hand, require manual adjustments whenever you go to sleep, wake up, or leave the house.
Hot and Cold Where You Want Them
Many programmable thermostats come with “zoning” abilities, meaning, they are capable of being set at different temperatures for different parts of your home. Say you and your family spend most of your time on the main floor, only visiting the upstairs bedrooms to sleep at night or the basement to search for something stored away. With a programmable thermostat, you can set a lower temperature for the upstairs and the basement, while keeping the main floor warm and toasty! Manual thermostats do not have this functionality.
Cut Down on Energy Costs
Setting your thermostat to the exact temperature you need when and where you need it increases energy efficiency. You are no longer running your home heating system when you don’t need it! For every degree lower you set your thermostat over an eight hour period, you can expect to save 1% on your heating bill for that month. Homeowners with programmable thermostats have been known to save up to $150 per year!
Change Settings From Anywhere
Many programmable thermostats are Wi-Fi enabled, capable of connecting to your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Imagine waking up the first day of vacation, realizing that you forgot to turn down your thermostat before you left home. Easy fix! Simply connect to the internet, log-in to your thermostat virtually, and make your adjustments. Most Wi-Fi enabled programmable thermostats come with an app, some sending important alerts, such as when to change your air filter.
Protect the Environment
Programmable thermostats are mercury-free, unlike some manual models. They are also better for the environment because of their efficiency, keeping unnecessary greenhouse gasses out of the air. Do your part by keeping your energy use low when you make the switch to a programmable model!
If you are thinking about changing your thermostat model, upgrade to a programmable thermostat. Not only do they save time, money, and nature’s resources, but they provide peace of mind. Manual thermostats require constant attention–programmable thermostats can be set once to work automatically. If you would like the benefits of owning a programmable thermostat, contact your local, HVAC company to schedule installation today!